Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Some people have been posting movie franchises, such as Alien and the Rocky films. They aren't trilogies.

My favourite is The Godfather.
I just finished Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours trilogy, based on the colours of the French flag. That'll probably put some people off seeing it here. Oh well. Too bad; they're missing out on a cinematic [b]delight
(as always with the director of The Decalogue).

Mick [/b]
The original Star Wars trilogy is my favorite, but Three Colors isn't too far behind. White and Blue are quite flawed, and Red is easily the best segment, but as a whole they compliment each other perfectly. And the ending of Red puts it all in perspective. Both trilogies are very far ahead of The Godfather since Part III hurts the first two when they are judged as a whole.


"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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