Originally Posted By: blacksheep
I know quite a few people from Boston and they seem to have an idea that OC is a lot more prevalent than fbi stats would indicate. I'm always hearing about the crowds of wiseguys and wannabes in the north end and the irish crews and Asian gangs all over. I wonder if they just have a picture of older boston in their heads or is the family growing more than fbi reports say

Like I said, there are waaay more young guys around than people know about or the FBI admits.

There are two fractions, the old timers and the new guys. It's one reason Cheese and his brother were/are so important, they bridge that gap even though the old and new guys have little business interests together.

I have friends and few family members that are out an about guys and there are plenty of guys that take numbers, sell drugs and run scams on the Northshore, Southshore and and from New Bedford to Providence.

The days of hanging on the "Hill" and in the "North End" are long gone. I grew up SW of Boston about 15 miles and know for sure of one made guy there that owns a couple of semi-dumpy bars and runs football cards during the fall. His father was "connected" and now he is and I doubt anyone would ever mention his name.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"