Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Lol they said the same thing about the Xbox One. Actually, strictly technically speaking, it's very possible to do using your laptop, smartphone, tablet, anything if a hacker or the feds really wanted to.

Next your TV will be watching while you having sex and give that info to "third parties" who will sell it to porn websites, all of which you have agreed to by signing (without reading) the 20-page terms and conditions of use. Somewhere in there in microscopic letters is the disclaimer which you agreed to. Be afraid, be very afraid. lol

Really they said that about Xbox too?. I like my privacy so anytime I read about how a product or company can follow what I buy, watch, say, wear, or consume it catches my eye. I was using strictly cash for awhile so that my debit card would not be on file for hackers to get info from me or stores to follow what I purchase. That didn't last too long. I'm back using my card again.

lol Ha ha ha ha be afraid of the TV recording your sex life. That was so funny Malandrino. I love your sense of humor.