Originally Posted By: Malandrino
PB, did you actually study religion/theology at Fordham or am I misinterpreting your post?

Dwalin, I pretty much agree with your post. Most people I know are non-practicing Muslims while I'm Orthodox Christian from my family, however deep down I doubt I will never be a believer no matter how much I'd like. I'm an atheist though and through, maybe even a nihilist and I'm okay with it.
I'd LIKE to believe since studies have shown that prayer and being able to believe in something wholeheartedly can increase your general feeling of happiness, health and optimism of a possible outcome, but I don't think I will ever be able to.

I think i have a similar outlook as you, something that could change as i get older but i doubt it. One thing i feel good about is that most of my family have a sincere belief in Religion and an Afterlife something that must be somewhat comforting, but at this point in time if i was to tell myself i believed i'd just be lying.