Like I said, for this Chief Wahoo named Jack B----- Jr to spend so much time finding out our personal information in regards to where we live, work and play is sick. I have 37 pm's that I have saved that mention my wife, my home address and my 2.5 year old daughter, that's enough to make any reasonable person concerned. I have filed a formal complaint with my local police "just so I have it on record" in case this junkie fuck harasses my wife, parents or my daughter. This asshole sent me a pm 2 months ago telling me he knows where I live and mentioned my wife's full name including her maiden name and referenced "stopping by" to visit with my wife and daughter. It would be the biggest mistake of his pathetic life, I'll leave it at that. For any of you who are married with children and use these boards as an outlet or to pass some time, I hope you could understand why other people on these boards need to be made aware of the type of unstable person we are dealing with. His next court date is 2/23/2015 in courtroom 902 in Philly. When he's sentenced eventually, I may make a weekend out of it to tell him goodbye and grab a Geno's cheesesteak. For me to have to go to my local police because of being stalked and terrorized online is fucking disgusting. I hope the mods could see that. If you look at his crimes, I shouldn't have to explain myself or my rationale to anybody. Some of us may argue on boards or even flex our muscles, but to stalk our personal lives is a travesty. The funny thing is that he is embarrassed that he is of Indian descent and passed his name off as B------ instead of B-----. Thanks to some computer experts, his story is being exposed so you all know who you're dealing with. Junkies are unpredictable and his crimes are of a terroristic manner. Fuck him and the donkey he rode in on. BELIEVE ME, there are many more posters who have been terrorized and had personal accounts compromised by this piece of shit. He contacts me or my family again, I'm calling the Norristown PA Police Dept and bringing it to the attention of the judge on his case and the prosecutor. He runs an online business called Full Circle Wholesale Products...I'd think twice before doing business with a fucking degenerate, lying drug addict. A tribute to our internet terrorist:

Last edited by J Geoff; 02/15/15 01:07 PM. Reason: DO NOT POST REAL NAMES HERE --JG

As Uncle Charlie used to say, "Never get into pissing matches with skunks."