Originally Posted By: BarrettM
CNN is garbage.
MSNBC is garbage.
Fox news is garbage.

Sharpton was only given a platform because he's divisive enough to bring in ratings and MSNBC, which desperately wants to be as popular as Fox News yet has failed to draw in any liberals.

really the problem with news is that its geared towards sensationalism rather than providing information.


The dumbing down of Americans via news outlets is one of the best versions of the 3 card monte ever.

Elected officials don't serve the public, they serve lobbyists and pacs. They understand our individual fears, desires, and biases and exploit those through the media. Average person can't tell you what either party is doing that benefits THEM but I bet they can tell you what "those liberals" or "those conservatives" are doing wrong. At that point the 3 card monte is working perfectly, and you've become distracted from what the issues are.

Basic but very effective con game.

Last edited by getthesenets; 02/12/15 01:07 PM.