I have unfortunately seen John Gotti's daughter, Vicky in person up close and personal, somewhat recently, back in 2008, and let me tell everyone here this:

She was hands down the ugliest, scariest, most unattractive woman I have ever seen before in my life, she was borderline scary looking up close! She literally looked like a skeleton from The Nightmare Before Chirstmas movie with a wig on! She was in the lobby of my office building in Midtown, I'm assuming she had a meeting in my building, and the way she was talking to the people who worked the front desk was also disgusting, she was pissed that she had to check in at the front desk security of a major, iconic Midtown skyscraper in the post 9/11 world, I kid you not. It was disgusting the way she talked to the people just doing their jobs, she thought she was some kind of princess who the world should cater to.

Anyways, that's my one and only Gotti story, thought some here might enjoy.