CNN is garbage.
MSNBC is garbage.
Fox news is garbage.

Sharpton was only given a platform because he's divisive enough to bring in ratings and MSNBC, which desperately wants to be as popular as Fox News yet has failed to draw in any liberals.

really the problem with news is that its geared towards sensationalism rather than providing information. Great example. That Malaysian airliner went missing. If you watched CNN for the next 40 days (I counted) they would air 23 hours of plane crash reporting with dubious "aviation experts", postulating several times that the disappeared plane could have been sucked up by a black hole, or even been smited by god or something. Why? Ratings. During that whole time I would have liked to know what Putin was doing.

And that's the same reason they hired Sharpton. He's a public figure who draws a much bigger crowd than Ronan Farrow or Chris Hayes.

Last edited by BarrettM; 02/11/15 08:24 PM.