I'm pretty sure it was Casso that wanted NJ dead and guess why ? Cause they make tons of money in book , so big why bother with anything else , it's really that big but not even the Feds know who bankrolled it , just who had the huge packages which in all honestly isn't much . I don't blane R one bit , never should be be threatened with 15, 2-3 is even a stretch IMO.

I doubt they even have much evidence on him outside his people on the phone and rats he never met , he probably smart and calling their bluff and hard tactics at the moment . With all the $ spent and all the unsolved murders in Newark . The Feds are once again wasting a ton of resources . Offer him a 3 year plea and end this already, just a huge waste of resources , huge when real violence is happening right outside their office . It's actually racial prejudice IMO , they care more about Italians faming than young and sometimes innocent black kids being killed every day , the FBI is about as the most racially prejudice organization you will find in this country