Originally Posted By: Serpiente
The fact that you hear people say that these guys are the worst possible human beings.Then you will hear others say he was is a great guy is all true.
Just in all of our lives you have good and bad,some better then others.This is what this world is.I hope nobody thinks that the guys that run this country are any better then them is bullshit..
There are many great men that are in that life,and many that are not.

Things are seldom black and white. Of course there are some plain lowlives around, but there are also many people who make bad choices in life that also have more than one good side to them.

As for Cicale, I don't have the right to call him out for being a rat. But what I do find despicable is that he seems to be one of those typical guys that keeps badmouthing and keeps inventing fictious stories, even long after the trial is done, to use that for his own succes.