Even if we take religion completely out of it, there is something wrong when a single judge can overrule the will of the majority of people in an entire state. As Justice Thomas recently said, at the very least all the judges in these recent cases should have allowed the bans on gay marriage in those states to hold until it could be heard by the Supreme Court. But, as we've seen, they are activist judges who are only interested in their own personal agenda. It's how liberals, including the gay movement, has always gotten their way - through corrupt lawyers and judges.

Unfortunately, I don't hold out much hope for the Supreme Court leaving it up to the states (as it should). Kennedy will, in all probability, go with the 4 liberal judges in ruling for gay marriage and it will be a 5-4 decision. We can thank Obama for a large part of that, considering who he has appointed to the court.

Contrary to the opinion of liberals and their nonsense about a "living Constitution," the Constitution says what it says. Not what judges (even on the Supreme Court) say it says. More to the point, it says something when these 9 people, reading from the same document, can come away with such divergent viewpoints. It suggests that one side is going by what the Constitution actually says or does not say while the other is going by their own whims.

It doesn't take a legal scholar to see which side couldn't care less about what the Constitution says. To quote Ruth Bather Ginsburg in 2012:

"I can't speak about what the Egyptian experience should be, because I'm operating under a rather old constitution. The United States, in comparison to Egypt, is a very new nation: and yet we have the olden written constitution still in force in the world...I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the constitution of South Africa."

That tells you all you need to know about Ginsburg, the other liberals on the Supreme Court, the judges who have overruled the will of the people in state after state, and their supporters in the gay movement. They don't give a hill of beans about what the Constitution says and will twist, pervert, and misinterpret it in order to push forward their agenda.

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