Lobbying is in the Constitution. It's the right to petition the government. Lobbyists can influence politicians but they can't make them do anything.

Both parties voted for the war in Iraq, the Democrats push through Obamacare without a single Republican vote, the bailouts were primarily done with the approval of both parties (but not the more conservative and libertarian Republicans, such as Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Richard Shelby), and outsourcing is often due to American overregulation and high taxation that would prevent the companies from profiting at all, etc.

The AIG bailout, which was prompted by the Secretary of the Treasury and George Bush, was necessary because it was the largest single holder of mortgage securities worth trillions of dollars. If it went under the entire world economy would have collapsed. The good news is that AIG repaid the bailout with the U.S. getting $22.7 billion in profit.