Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
I would rather be in federal than state anyways. Hell at worst I would act like I have something to say but make them transfer me first then not talk lol

Here in Bama most state guys will sit in county for YEARS before they are even transferred to state. It sucks major ass. What makes it worse here is that we have a federal institution across the road from the county and they have it made. They shoot ball well into the the night (9-10pm at times or later). I used to have to read utility meters inside the prison when I got into the trade and had access there. It was like home to some guys and that's why many stay locked up. If you gonna do time always go fed over state. Like PB says though, the health care sucks no matter what so you are screwed there. But in county and state chances are you are not going to get out unless you cutting grass or picking up trash here in state. Fed you are goofing off and lifting weights or shooting hoops all night.

Maybe its me Dixiemafia but, I don't care if its State or Federal time, time is time period.Being away from my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, my home, my dogs and not having freedom is not the way I want to live. No thank you, thats all the deterrent I need. I never did any time and plan not to regardless if its viewed as soft or hard times, Fed, State or County. Why do the crime if you can't do the time is a good life lesson for me.