Originally Posted By: Extortion
Also on another note...why did Nicodemo plead on this...he got 20+ years...might as well plead not guilty and probably get something of around the same sentence and still could have a chance of winning..

He plead because if convicted at trial he would've gotten life without parole.

That's why.

25years at age 42, although a lot, is A HELL of a lot different than Life without.

Last edited by SonnyBlackstein; 02/08/15 09:47 PM.

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.