Originally Posted By: ManGauge
Originally Posted By: Tonytough
Because getting "made" doesn't apply to the afterlife.

Plus Costello retired when he was alive so it wasn't like he had an army on hand to avenge their boss. Nobody cared other than his blood relatives

SO you're telling me that if someone bombed Carlo Gambinos grave right after he had passed , that there would have been no retribution from the family and/or other families just based off of sheer respect many had for the man?

Carlo Gambino is in a different league altogether from
Costello. Yes Costello was once very powerful but do u think someone could graze carlo's head & force him into retirement? Then take over his family? I didn't think so

As u can see, Carlo's power is alot different to Costello's & again not saying Costello didn't have power after he retired. But one can see the difference

& who was running the family for Costello after he died in terms of blood relative? Carlo
on the otherhand had Castellano plus let's not forget Tommy Gambino.

& why are we even debating whether or not anyone would avenge the bombing of frank's tomb, clearly there was no retribution. Case closed. No one gave two fuks

And ok, someone kindly posted a pic of a shotgunned Galante but that had zero to do with Costello & everything to do with money/ power (involving alive persons). Nothing to do with the deceased