Just thinking about Pete Casella and Rocco Marinucci come to NYC to meet with the Genovese Administration, also on the same afternoon Scarfo and Leonetti are there to meet with the same. Just does not sound to me the way Chin would do things bringing Philadelphia guys to NYC in the afternoon. Chin was an owl who did his meeting after midnight and would not have a parade of people meeting in the afternoon. To much LE to have to deal with. To much scrunity,and no one seem's to know who was the Genovese Capo who represented Pete Casella at this meeting even Leonetti does not provide a name in his book as to who this Capo was. The more I think about it alot of this sitdown seems to false. Not saying that the Genovese Panel did not make the choice as to who the new boss would be in Philadelphia (Scarfo) but just can't see it going down the way Leonetti say's it did.
Originally Posted By: downtown
Anyone have any idea who was the Genovese Captain that saved Pete Casella from getting killed after Casella nail bombed Phil Testa ? This Capo represented Casella when Pete was called to NYC to meet with Chin, Fat Tony, and Manna. I never have heard anyone say who this Capo is ? Can only think that since Pete Casella was a junk dealer and did a bid for dealing, that it had to be a Genovese junk guy that Pete had met while doing time. Who ever it was did a hell of a job cause Pete was sent packing to Florida and the others involved were all killed. Narducci, Marinucci.

wise old owl sat on a oak , the more he heard the less he spoke , the less he spoke the more he heard , wasn't that a wise ole bird.