Originally Posted By: Tonytough
Plus Costello retired when he was alive so it wasn't like he had an army on hand to avenge their boss. Nobody cared other than his blood relatives

If you think Costello didn't still have loyalists in the '60s, you're very much mistaken. He received his cut from plenty of partnerships until the day he died.

The Harlem and Bronx/Yonkers factions of the family saw to it that the man got what was right. Because Costello was particularly close to both Larry Black and Cockeyed Nick. And Vito wasn't risking a war from jail because they saw to it that Costello got what was rightfully his, particularly from the gambling.

Point being, Costello didn't live out his days on Central Park West on Social Security.

The bombing? Who knows. At the end of the day, Galante was an animal and he died as he lived. Like I said: karma.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.