My guess is that the Feds are going to/ have been watching Dom Grande like a hawk 24/7 and his every move to get him jammed up on big time federal charges. Then I guarantee they put the full court press on him to flip because the Feds and everyone else and their mother know that Dom Grande was the actual shooter and reported to/was really close with Nicodemo. The Feds play very dirty and the game is completely rigged.....

I am talking I guarantee the feds have 24/7 surveillance, GPS tracking on his cars, watching every transaction/purchase he makes, paying extreme attention to his income tax returns, flipping any low life they can for a few bucks, etc on Dom Grande right now. He was supposedly made too recently and is a young man. I guarantee you will see a Federal indictment on Dom Grande within the next 1-3 years. The Feds are egotistical, jealous maniacs who stop at absolutely nothing when they want headlines or a particular person.

My opinion/thoughts on this.......