Originally Posted By: DB
Violence will happen but it won't be senseless , it will be used less often cause of the penalties/ negative attention and it will only be to guys in the game , people most don't care about and blows over in a day

Well, that's it. If they only kill each other that's one thing. But the Feds still won't tolerate another Colombo type war or anything like what's been going on in Canada these past few years.

Originally Posted By: DB
I can see more disappearances than street bodies if their is a hit .

I see that argument made every so often and I don't agree with it. Because if a made guy or a well known associate disappears, it makes the same headlines as when one of them gets murdered. Think Hoffa (for the most public example ever, but you get my point).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.