
Where I live there's a large Turkish community. Today the Turkish mob in the Netherlands and Belgium is not as visible as it seemed to be 20 years ago. There still is Turkish organized crime of course, only quite low-key and not on the same large scale it used to be. One thing confuses me however. Often you hear people claim that the Grey Wolves is the same as the ethnic Turkish mob. Now I have heard before that there are big Turkish gangsters that have connections to the Grey Wolves. But I don't think that the Grey Wolves are really as such the "Turkish mafia".

Over here most of them are ethnic Turks, the majority from the Black Sea and Central Anatolia regions. In London for instance and some parts of the Netherlands such as The Hague and Rotterdam a large amount of the "Turkish" community seem to be actually Kurdish. And as some claim all ethnic Turkish gangsters are part of the Grey Wolves, there are also people who claim that all ethnic Kurdish gangsters from Turkey are part of the PKK. But I think that might be bullshit as well.