I've read in a true crime book years ago that another neighbor of the Gotti's witnessed the kidnapping of Favara. This witness owned a diner in the neighborhood. The following day, three men in suits came in and ordered coffee. Without saying anything, they drank the coffee, and stared at the owner the entire time poker faced. Obviously the implication was "you say anything, your next." When the police came to question the diner owner, he claimed he didn't see anything.

I've read some of Junior Gotti's new book and seen his episode on 60 minutes. Junior said that he believes his Father probably was involved in Favara's death. But Gotti Sr never admitted nor denied it to his son (and Junior said he refused to discuss it). His Mother, understandably, was a complete wreck over Frank's death. The same book I mentioned also claimed that on at least one occasion, Mrs. Gotti tried to attack Favara with a baseball bat. She was especially angry because not only did Favara kept driving the same car that was involved in the accident (and never bothered to fix it) but he never apologized to the Gottis (though he was told by several people, including a priest to stay out of their way). I do not know if the wife encouraged Favara's murder.