Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
Originally Posted By: ThreeTomatos
Ed intentionally rights stories to try and bait certain posters/people onto his website.

I am starting to believe this is what he keeps doing ONLY because the amount of advertising and pop-ups on his site. It is definitely at the annoying level. The damn pages keep wanting to reload with all the ads...There is the initial page with the bait story and a few ads. Then you click to read the juicy details (aka the rest of story) and WAMMO, a whole NEW set of ads......... I know that everyone has got to earn a living and pay for their web servers but sites that take the advertising to crazy levels makes me question their intentions.

TMZ is also in this category!

It's like those old porn and gambling pop-ups from ten years ago. If you clicked on one of them you got a virus and kept getting pop-ups until you had the hard drive cleaned up. That's why I won't even look at his site. My hate for him is based strictly off copy and pastes that friends send to me here lol.

And he's always pushing the advertising. The guy just has no shame rolleyes.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.