Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Originally Posted By: PhillyMob

So I was reading that it's a possibility that when little Linda and her kid and Scarpa nearly were shot, that could have been made up. So Scarpa had justification for going out and killing.
I thought there were more witnesses then just the two of them?

Made up how? It never happened? I think it did. I remember watching this documentary on the Orena family and basically Orena's son said that Wild Bill Cutolo organized the hit on Scarpa which was botched. Now I know the son isn't a made guy, but still he should have some knowledge.
Or unless you mean he set it up with others so they'd fire blank rounds at them? I have no idea, honestly you never know with Scarpa. He was one clever, tough son of a bitch.

I was reading deal with the devil and they were talking about how it's a possibility that the attempted hit never took place. It was Scarpa that said it was guys from Wild Bills crew to DeVecchio.
That was the first time I heard that though. That why I brought it up. Little Linda said it happen, Greg said if happen. I just thought there were more witnesses.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-