Originally Posted By: DanteMoltisanti

First and foremost, please do not forget to shoot me a message the next time you are here in Jersey wink

Believe it or not out of principle I have never paid to go on the beach, I ALWAYS sneak on! I am 30 years old and still sneak onto the beaches because I feel that since I grew up at the Jersey Shore it is my God Given right to not have to pay to have access to the beach. I feel that all the tourists who come here to the Jersey Shore should have to pay but not us locals..That's my stance, its not because I do not have the money, it is out of pure principle.

There was never a Casino in Asbury Park to the best of my knowledge. New Jersey is the only state I have ever been to were you have to pay for access to the beach, it kills me. Below are the rates for Asbury Park, I had to look it up for you (these are actually some of the cheapest beach badges and passes, you should see the prices of other towns!)

Asbury Park 2014 Seasonal Beach Passes & Gift Certificates
The Beach Office is now closed for the season on the Asbury Park Boardwalk and will re-open in the spring of 2015.

Monday-Friday $5
Saturday & Sunday: $6

Regular (Age 18 thru 61 ) $70
Teens (age 13 thru 17) $20
Seniors (age 62 and over ) $20

Seasonal beach badges are available for purchase from the Department of Public Works Office "off season."

What a racket, unbelievable! I don't blame you for not wanting to pay. Sandy really caused a lot of damage down there. I know my cousin said the whole porch roof flew off their place in Ocean Grove and they never did find it. We didn't get to go down there last year during our visit, not enough time. We stayed in Times Square instead.

Sure I would love to go down to Bradley Beach to check out the restaurant you are recommending. Maybe I will visit Jersey again this year since I got a lot of Jet Blue Miles. I'll let you know. (I still have to go into NY to teach Bronx and PB a lesson, you guys didn't think I forgot about that did you uhwhat )