Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: Malandrino

Also Vito Genovese is known as "Don Vitone" there. I think that's just a name Costello called him, if anybody else in his family did it, I'm sure they'd be ground fertilizer the next day.

Why, what's so offensive in the Don Vitone nickname to make him mad? Vito Cascio Ferro was called Don Vitazzu, many bosses named Giuseppe are called Don Peppino etc, it's not like Antonino "Ferocious dwarf" Imerti or Toto' "the short one" (u curtu) Riina (also known as "the beast").

This has been floating around the web.

Vito Genovese was suspicious of all non-Italians and resented having to work with Jews such as Meyer Lansky and Benjamin ‘Bugsy’ Siegel early in his career. Vito once complained to Frank Costello, in front of Siegel and Lansky, ‘What are you tryin’ to do? Load us with a bunch of Heebs?’. Before Bugsy could flash his trademark temper Costello stepped in; ‘Take it easy, Don Vitone, you’re nothing but a God damn foreigner yourself’ and Genovese kept quiet.

If its true Vito probably hated the one time it was used against him as a sword through the heart. Kinda like the way you nod at your worst enemy and tell him "riveting story champ."

Last edited by BarrettM; 01/28/15 06:09 PM.