Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote] Because the people of the US want the country to be conservative.
They do? How
do you know?


Take a look at the voting results in the past and in the latest election. And dont even fuckign say Bush rigged it cause he won it fair and square


Well how come the majority of the people like the direction in which the US is going?
Are you kidding me?


Again, refer to the latest election results


and they actually use the military power that they have.
Yeh, I'm so happy we're stopping genocide in Sudan. :rolleyes:


What shape would the world be in if it wasnt for the United States helping out countries of the world whether it be peacekeeping or flushing out Terror Cells


Power = Respect
Do you respect the former USSR? Hitler? They had power.


At the time of World War 2, I dont think there wasnt a country in the world that didnt FEAR either the USSR or the Nazi's. The fear was derived from respect....respect for their military might.


The majority of the world RESPECTS the US.
You're kidding, right?


No actually Im not. Maybe if you actually did some travelling instead of sitting here polluting the boards with ur democratic propoganda then maybe you would realize what im saying is right
