Nicky Scarfo Jr scam was into the stock. / corp looting scam

I know he got busted as his associate was acting like a clown but you have to

Give credit to a brilliant move and huge $ maker .

Now if this was a Westside thing, everything would have stopped at the associate

And the story would have got a short blurb .

However Scarfo move is a a play book for others and rest assured this is generally a copy cat league . Buy shares legally , enough to control the BOD and then expense it like crazy. It's really no different to a bust out of small business that got in over his head with gambling

This scam is very doable but of it were me , it would be on an industry different than banking , investment advisory , brokerage etc., no 2nd set of regulatory eyes but this stuff is going on as we speak and by people we consider respectable civilians . Geez just look at all the biotech blowups , those stock can jump 50% on a rumor ( with no revenue no less ). Their is a sub section within investment banking ( called stock pumpers or promoters ) that specialize exactly on this type of scam and will likely never see a day of jail .

Spend a reading a quarterly report of a short only hedge funds that specialize in micro or small caps .

The crazy part is even the super rich and best investors on the US sometimes fall victim, read up on Chinese reverse mergers . The billionaire John Paulson himself ( and his flagship fund investors ) was the biggest investor in a Chinese forest / lumbar company that lost over 90% in 1 day because it turned out the company basically didn't exist but on paper .