Okay Pat, you say Conservatism is the downfall of the US? Why is it after all these years of "conservativsm" as you call it, has the US become the most powerful nation in the world? Because the people of the US want the country to be conservative. Except for a few exceptions, the US since the 1960s/70s has elected Republican presidents. IMO, the best president the US ever had, Ronald Reagan was a republican. So what Im trying to say is, you say how conservatism is so evil and everyone hates it? Well how come the majority of the people like the direction in which the US is going? Im a Canadian and I love the states for its economic policies, and they actually use the military power that they have. The thing about the military is, you can have it and waste money on funding something that you will never use, or you can actually use it to help the world. By helping out on a global scale (ex. invading Afghanistan, taking out the Taliban) then you are doing some good. Canada, through the election of several liberal PM's in the past years, has a neglected military. Its pathetic.

Strong Military = Power

Power = Respect

Therefore, Strong Military = Respect

The majority of the world RESPECTS the US. In fact there is only several countries in the middle east who hate the US. This is due to the fact that the US supports Israel.