Hey Alfanosgirl,

Bill Bonanno, who got the info from his father, said that Yale had a very large crew, implied that Masseria (his boss) saw him as a threat and took him out, then his crew was split between several Families. If it was split it was between Masseria and Mineo since Profaci was not yet a boss. Remember though, Joe Bonanno was not yet a made member himself when Yale was killed, so he had to have been told this by others. This info came from "The Last Testament of Bill Bonanno." I was also in contact with Bill before he died, but he kept this info for himself for the book. Probably could have clarified some things had we been able to discuss it, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Also, we only can confirm a small number of names who were actually under Yale as part of his crew. His top lieutenant was Anthony Carfano (AKA Little Augie Pisano), who became the capo of the crew after Yale was killed. According to a relative of Carfano, he helped set up Yale to be killed. The actual killers were people from Al Capone's crew in Chicago, including some of the "American Boys."

In Tony Scaduto's book on Lucky Luciano, he had a source who told him that Yale was doing bootlegging with Salvatore Maranzano, had some sort of arrangement; Maranzano was not yet fighting against Masseria, so even if this is true it would have been irrelevant. Capone biographers claim that Yale was hijacking trucks destined for Chicago and that Capone was angry at Yale for killing his friend, Jimmy D'Amato, in 1927. Yale was killed almost a year to the day that D'Amato was killed, but that could have been a coincidence. After all is said and done we have a few facts and lots of speculation.