Yes pmac , there are rumors that his group is trying to muscle into DR's hotel , gambling , tourist and prostitution business which would be a tremendous moneymaker and give them a real international platform

Not to mention the DR has well made drug routes into the US and elsewhere . This would really make them bigger international dope players .

They likely have so much cash from the drug business and it's bulk sales in the US and the construction business that they are looking at other countries ( and in this case a country that is poor , corrupt and begging for seed capital ) to invest in and DR is perfect IMO as it hits 3 core areas of drugs , gambling and construction , not too mention a huge prostitution business for the tourists .

Brilliant move if you ask me .

I was with a friend in JC last night and to my amazement he stated that the sharking business is pretty much done , even the segment that attaches to gambling , if u don't pay , u are just immediately blackballed in the area but I was pretty shocked to hear how shy has pretty much dried up . The smart ones got into it legally via pay day loans who are making tons of $ but your typical street loans are a dying breed , and this guy would know as he has a big package and runs big games as well