Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: Malandrino
I don't get it.. say, for example I talked shit about the Jews here. What is the JDF gonna do, sue me for antisemitism under an alias in an online board? I dunno, it just sounds BEYOND ridiculous to me.
I'm genuinely curious how this works, cause he can't be serious.

It's a smokescreen/ race card. Somebody is calling you out and you can't address the points they are talking about you call them a bigot (in this case an anti-semite) and you make not so veiled threats to them.

ADL and JDL are not the same thing, so the implication isn't that you will be sued or publicly exposed but a physical threat. Trying to intimidate people into not calling him out.

Not really Pizzaboy's comment would be ruled "irreverent", Ed has delusions of grandeur of being the next Capeci but he knows he's a few fries short of happy meal when it comes to sources. Even though he told me his sources are all "street guys" which is bullshit.

He's not assertive enough to wait for a respond to justify a claim He'll just run with it (a story) and then hope he clears $20 bucks running ads, so he can hit up the dollar menu at McDonald's. He'll use buzzwords keywords hashtags etc to generate a ton of buzz to drum up a lot of smoke but the only fire is the skin on his page! (which is trashy looking to begin)