Taken from Ed Scarpo's site (what a cry baby and not to mention RAT)

The faceless bullies in cyberspace don't scare me either. In fact I'm no longer linking to certain websites, some of which are nothing more than denizens of hate; places that bring out the moronic, racist, conniving, fascist worst in those who participate on them. I have nothing against many of these participants but some, including ringleaders -- who don't even convey their true motivations to the sheep who follow them -- are truly cowardly loudmouths who fabricate any story they want. They are the true hacks. And they also use pseudonyms.

I have taken dozens of screenshots of what has been posted by these cowardly bullies who think they can spread lies and harass people to shut them up.

You "know I'm reading" your posts? Well, I am not only reading them but have copies of all the antisemitic remarks, which I plan to email to the Jewish Defense League. I'm not Jewish, but I'm certainly not antisemitic or racist. I'll let them shut you down. There's no room for hate speech anywhere in this world and it's certainly not protected by the First Amendment. You think you can say anything and not be held accountable? You're in for a surprise."