Originally Posted By: Malandrino
I gotta agree with LittleNicky here.. the govt has been known to bend the rules to convict people, and if it's a Mafia case? Forget about it, you're going away for a very long time. Not only that but if you've spit in their faces, they WILL retaliate, one way or another... and something like neglecting Gotti's health (which we're discussing here) is not entirely beneath them.

The prosecutors, especially on federal cases are always tight with the feds/cops, and probably close to the judges too. My point is that if the govt wants your head they'll get it whether you're guilty or not, truth be damned. We joke around by comparing them to the mob, but
honestly it's a spot-on comparison.

Tell that to the Kubecka & Barstow families. How much time did Anthony Baratta & Salvatore Avellino do in prison for their murders? Did their fortunes get touched? I mean Bowat was dealing in heroin in prison! Yet he's home free again and gets to enjoy his retirement and have sit downs with his ne'er do well son over a table at Rao's. First world problems eh?

I hear what people say about John Gotti e.g. not getting his first choice lawyer when he finally went down - I thought it was because of a blatant conflict of interest because mob lawyers were getting too involved/aware of clients other/crimes - but what about all the money the govt. spent on Gotti's other trials and the 16 hour days prosecutors put in for a case that was a forgone conclusion because the defendant bought a juror anyway?

So what if the govt. plays them at their own game if that's what it has to do to put them away. Mobsters can extort/defraud/loanshark/kill/deal drugs with immunity and the govt. can't touch them.

At least they can afford the best legal help with the money from their illegal assets or decide to co-operate.

I don't think Antwone or Jose can afford Cutler's rates.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.