Jon Roberts claimed that Demeo crew member Borelli was the cousin of his long time girlfriend, Phyllis. So that might be one motivation to not kill Henry. Henry was "family". Really, I think he almost killed Henry by the way the book read. Henry needed to speak very carefully or he wasn't getting out of there alive. Jon had cops keeping watch outside the room and he had a silencer.

If Henry would've gotten whacked (by Jon), we would have had another mob murder to speculate on and everyone would've assumed someone in the mafia did it for either one reason or another. We would be creating threads here, on the BB, about that.

Jon never had proof Henry for sure was going to kill him. His nose simply went off because Henry appeared right at the moment he and Phyllis were having problems. And she had a history of threatening his life if she ever caught him messing around on her.

Probably Phyllis was the only person Jon was afraid of.

Now when you know your girlfriend's cousin is a serial killer and he shows up in Miami without calling you to say hi, yeah, sticking a gun up one of his nostrils might help clear the air a bit, sort of like getting all the cards on the table.

Police are the same way come to think of it. If you are a sex gotta register everywhere you live. Many times a career criminal will voluntarily go down to the local precinct to announce their presence to the local PD so that there are no misunderstandings.

So how Jon treated Henry is sort of completely rational and commonplace. He didn't need to kill his girlfriend's cousin since he had the Miami cops on his payroll watching out for him, not to mention his criminal colleagues. Henry would've been completely nuts (more nuts than he already was) to try and sneak down into Miami after getting a warning like that.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."