Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
I was in my early twenties and, I remember viet nam and all the demonstrations against the war, thousands upon thousands poured into the streets to voice their disapproval of that war.

what happened? the war went on for 8 more years, Lyndon Johnson didn't care if their were 5o million against the war, just like today the people cannot stop wars.

the people were against it, much of congress was against it, and it still went on, and on. MLK was great, but, he and others like him made no real difference.

Right on.. no need to bother getting authorization anymore anyway, that's why even Nobel prize winner Obomber is able to deploy troops without apporbation, you just learn it in the news the next day it happens. The left being mostly anti-war, but highly hypocritical, are giving him a free hand, as opposed to a republican president.