Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
*Sound of wheelchair crunching fall leaves*

You hear that, Sal?

It's probably just a cat. It's closing time. Let's do inventory and get outta hear.

*Door opens*


"Only my friends call me that". "You can call me the guy whose gonna teach youse a fuckin' lesson about payin' on time".

Things have been slow.... you gotta give me more time. I can pay. You just gotta give me...


*Sound of urine hitting the ground like drops of rain on a dewy winter's night* *Scared man loses control of his bowels*

"You will pay me RIGHT FUCKIN' NOW if youse know what's good for you".

But it's not possible. I don't have it!

"Tony, it's time for the tick special. Take off my pants. This asshole is gonna change my diapers".

No, Tick. Anything but that. Put my head in a vice... rip my balls out with tweezers.... stick a blowtorch up my ass. ANYTHING!

"Come down here and change my fuckin' diapers".


"I'm gonna increase the vig on your next payments. Don't make me come back again".


lol lol lol