*Sound of wheelchair crunching fall leaves*

You hear that, Sal?

It's probably just a cat. It's closing time. Let's do inventory and get outta hear.

*Door opens*


"Only my friends call me that". "You can call me the guy whose gonna teach youse a fuckin' lesson about payin' on time".

Things have been slow.... you gotta give me more time. I can pay. You just gotta give me...


*Sound of urine hitting the ground like drops of rain on a dewy winter's night* *Scared man loses control of his bowels*

"You will pay me RIGHT FUCKIN' NOW if youse know what's good for you".

But it's not possible. I don't have it!

"Tony, it's time for the tick special. Take off my pants. This asshole is gonna change my diapers".

No, Tick. Anything but that. Put my head in a vice... rip my balls out with tweezers.... stick a blowtorch up my ass. ANYTHING!

"Come down here and change my fuckin' diapers".


"I'm gonna increase the vig on your next payments. Don't make me come back again".


I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.