Since the early 40's, only Joe Regino, Sam Fashionatta and John Verilla were made that were from Altoona/Johnstown with Regino being a Capo. Pittsburgh operated differently, they would assign one Capo to a specific region or part of the city and that Capo had a crew of associates. In that crew, there would be a few "high ranking" associates that the family allowed them to use their name. Made guys would get the smaller sections of town or region and they would have a crew of associates. Guys like Primo Mollica, Auggie Ferrone, Frank Unis Jr., Bernie Altshuler, Ernie Biondillo, Junior & Sal Williams etc still had steam and had their own crews under them. Prior to Regino, the landscape of Pittsburgh OC was the black hand and early Camorra. That's a whole other world to explore. Fascinating stuff, but I just started reading about it and researching some personal family history. I like it better than modern day OC.

As for associates, I'll pull a few things from my files and provide you a list of what I have. I'm going away for a few days, so I'll get it to you next week. And yes, Altoona was a faction of the family just like Youngstown, OH, Wheeling, WV, Erie, PA, Canton, OH and Steubenville/East Liverpool, OH. Everybody answered to Pittsburgh. Regino reported to Kelly Mannarino in New Kensington. Verilla answered to Mannarino/Sonny Ciancutti.

Last edited by Oscarthedago; 01/20/15 09:16 AM.

As Uncle Charlie used to say, "Never get into pissing matches with skunks."