Armand's Assante to me is a very undersrated actor. He is also a really good guy.

He spent some time in the mayflower hotel. I had a place there he was promoting I the Jury back then.

I was doing my thing tried to sell him a piece of art. He liked it, but he was afraid of buying anything or doing anything that might be illegal.

He was getting girls like crazy. He had a long affair with the girl I foget her name who was in the mambo kings with him she was also in raging bull.

I said this before about assante in Gotti he was like the real thing. What was the last Ganster movie where you saw the ganster bounce when he walked. In those days they all did that even when they got old if they could walk the walked fast and they bounced when they walked. At least when they were outside.

I mentioned this before also Assante in looking for an echo is a fun movie to watch.

He makes every actor in a movie with him better.

only the unloved hate