Originally Posted By: BarrettM
And yeah not enough people can find middle ground these days on the issues like Tip and Reagan did. Kinda sad but the left moved further left socially and the right moved further right fiscally. Media divisiveness of course doesnt help. And I need to learn how to debate since im going in to politics after college so if Im being an asshole or gettting it wrong dont be afraid to call me out wink

Lol thanks man, I'll revert to this thread when the time comes.

Personally on that point quoted, I think its the public's lack of education on the principles of each party. Too many people take one specific topic a party stands for and embraces them as a whole because they agree on one issue instead of many. Go talk to a feminist about women's rights. Republicans are apparently the devil that want to hold them down. Ask her about immigration, if she responds put up a wall and keep them out, well that's kinda contradictory to a progressive democrat fighting for rights.

Not sure what level your in at college right now, but when you get to your upper level classes if you aren't taking them already, watch the others and what they talk about if you guys have class discussions. The ones that can only speak intelligently on one issue, say marriage and draw a blank stare on the others have no idea where they side.

That and the fact that the majority of Americans no longer think for themselves. A lot of people jump onto whatever party their parents were and vote along what they are told. Others follow their friends on who they want to vote for. Then the younger generation, 18-25 couldn't tell you what Obama or McCain stood for in the first election but "wanted to be a part of history in electing the first African American President." Took me a while to accept that my generation would elect someone to lead the nation based on skin color rather than what he could do for the nation.

Constitutional Law was a pretty good class. First day the professor asked who was affiliated with what party and if they knew how to debate the issues in that party's entirety. She would tally down our specific responses from day to day on which side we stood on different issues and tell us if we really sided with the party we claimed.

One female claimed liberal democrat all the way. When it got to abortion, pro choice til the cows came home. All other issues, conservative. Pissed her off something awful when the professor told her she was more Conservative than Liberal. lol

Still that was better than me. Being a kid that came from a rural town and fresh in the military, I was considered borderline Fascist.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"