Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
To address the OPs curiosity: in what capacity are we talking about? Did you borrow money from one of these guys? Are you on bad paper with a street crew? If you were lent a few thousand dollars to open up an auto body shop, agreed to pay back the loan with interest & hand over a percentage of your profits to your investors (the Outfit), then proceeded to drive your business into the ground, and were subsequently unable to produce your tax....well then yeah, these guys will hurt you. They'll take everything you've got.

If you're an independent bookie/drug dealer & a particular street crew wants some street tax, I'd be very wary of violence. Or at the very least, a drastic decrease in overall business.

So it's the same old shit, just on a tremendously smaller scale. But in order to even be in a position to need to be afraid of the Outfit, you need to really be operating some down & dirty shit out of some of the trashier suburbs in the Midwest. Those are the types of people they prey on today. The Outfit no longer has a presence within Chicago city limits. Operation Gambat destroyed their ability to do that.

The Mafia in America will never strike fear the way they once did. Chicago is no exception.

The only Outit-RELATED things we've heard about in eons has been along Grand Ave.

Geeze I thought I was a skeptic...you don't think there is even a few card games in Chinatown left?!