What are you talking about? "Called out", I wouldn't call whatever ItalianForever being "called out". As mentioned, Scott's a respected researcher and author in this field, he's privy to an assortment of characters that none of us have access to, and thus is also privy to loads of information. Scott's been nothing but an extreme help to the many of us Mafia enthusiasts who like learning about these things and reading up on the recent activities of various families all over the country.

I just think the guys who claim to be "in the know" or "friends of a guy who's friends of a cousin of the brother of a made guy" and got the "word on the street" get upset when Scott presents well researched information that conflicts with the bull they post, thus it becoming evident that they have no idea as to the accuracy of the things they say. Like someone mentioned, that "TheArm" guy said so much bullcrap on here, and people actually believed him to the point where they'd be lining up to ask questions in some of his threads, meanwhile, the guy didn't know John Gotti from Armand Assante.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 01/13/15 10:54 AM.