Now I know most of these women do not get directly involved with LCN business but, there is no doubt in my mind that the women do play a roll. For instance, Joe Massino's wife was writing checks out to a parking lot owner that Massino was extorting......... I am baffled out how they allow wives to play the, "He told me he worked downtown!" and, "He is very private and doesn't like me to ask about his work".

Basically, I wonder how the women are allowed to live a certain lifestyle, spend money that was acquired illegally and, when crunch time comes, they get away with saying they never knew their husband was involved in illegal activities or that the money was dirty (narcotics, prostitution)

It is amazing to me because the government accepts this response but fast forward 20 years and the same people who claimed to know nothing are, the same people writing a book with such detailed, first hand knowledge of it all, not to mention their own reality shows......Can't these women be prosecuted for perjury or lying in the past?......What is the statute of limitations on perjury?