Originally Posted By: ItalianForever

There never was a group of hired killers waiting for contracts from the Bosses of Cosa Nostra. The main focus of all the convicted killers was making money from the rackets.

problem with this is that there's testimony that there actually were contracts and those guys were yellow of greed if another hitter "stole" their contract and killed the specific guy first.


The main focus of all the convicted killers was making money from the rackets.

sure. but most of those guys only had killing and narcotics.


The Cosa Nostra connection to some of these so-called MURDER INC. men
came from the fact that they were very loosely connected to Albert
Anastasia. If the Jewish guys were going to whack someone they would
check with Anastasia to make sure the murder wouldn't interfere with
any of his schemes. It was a political move and a smart one
considering the power that Cosa Nostra had. From this has come the
legend that Anastasia (left) headed MURDER INC.

that sounds reasonable.