Not sure if it is connected BUT, when you watch the Iceman interviews (Richard Kuklinski)....He tells this exact story about how he was on a motorcycle, he pulls up to a stop light and says to the guy in the vehicle, "Cuban?".....He said the guys response was, "Fuck You"......then the Iceman pulled out his gun and said, "No, Fuck You!", and shot him in the face.

Now I know that a lot of what Kuklinski said was false BUT, a lot more of the stuff he said actually did occur. They have the news reports to back a lot of it up.

I always thought he may have been linked to this but, Greca was with the Colombo's and not sure how his association with the Gambino's would be linked.

When did Greca get whacked?
If it happened after Pistone's revealing, then it is quite possible he died for letting DB in to their life.