Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Excellent point Henry...it became all about the money via the drug trade..beginning of the end. Porter's head was so far up Genovese' ass, that he was sure to be upped to Underboss and bring his drug trade with him...you would have thought that Mike would have known better given his age and experience, but like many guys, he was blinded by the quick/easy money.

Chucky Porter was a favorite of Big John because of his ability to develop relationships with other crime families. Chucky was Big John's liaison for Chicago and Milwaukee. Chucky was charismatic, polite, polished and a model gangster. When Big John started declining in 1982, Mike Genovese relied on him for everything. According to Mike Genovese's son, Chucky was like a son to Mike and Mike saw him as the future boss. Even the Pittsburgh FBI said that Chucky was very gentlemanly towards them when they would be following him, always made it a point to talk football, family and life in general. While he did cooperate two years into his 28 year sentence, he refused to testify against anybody, especially Mike...however, his information pipeline hurt a lot of people and single handedly brought down the Youngstown, OH faction.

As Uncle Charlie used to say, "Never get into pissing matches with skunks."