Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Actually if you'd actually read my previous post, I blalantly stated that its only 5 extra guys, so 50 members may be possible. But recent reports state otherwise. I posted a Mob Talk video which backs it up. Theres other forums with articles to back it up.

What reports? What articles? Post them.

And yes, every single person on the RD forum has a grudge against Wiseguy, to the point where each and every one of them will make stuff up. Nothing on there or any other forum is a personal attack against him, its all disputes of his info and the overhyping of specific families.

I haven't "over-hyped" anything. I've simply said Philadelphia is larger and more active than Detroit, which is true. It's an answer to your original question about them being on the same level. If you want to believe they are comparable, go ahead, but all the evidence says otherwise. And Philadelphia doesn't need to be "hyped" for an honest, objective, informed observer to see that.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 01/08/15 12:22 PM.

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