Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
As he is stating in his article
There never was a group of hired killers waiting for contracts from
the Bosses of Cosa Nostra. The main focus of all the convicted killers
was making money from the rackets.

It was a separate entity from Cosa Nostra. I'll take the word of Reles and other corroborating informants over what it was, than authors writing revisionist articles with no good evidence to back anything.

Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl

HK you know who is another name that is overlooked Frank Erickson the guy who did the books for a lot of these guys.
Here's something I found. My Pops told me about a club in Cliffside down the street from his house so I looked it up. Found out that it was allegedly run by the Purple Gang out of Detroit. Now that just seems strange. The link: probably Erickson.

This restaurant was adjacent to Duke's Bar and Grill. Willie Moretti and Adonis would be at Duke's frequently. Carl Sifakis gives the wrong address in his books. I don't know why the Detroit Purple Gang would be located next door, maybe gambling wire related?