Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Footreads
What war crimes did bush do?


If we want to be technical, Bush and Cheney (or maybe just Cheney) are tied in to torture and violating international law (treaties which hold the same weight as the US Constitution) against torture.

Torture you know what happens during torture or after torture the person really tortured dies.

How many of those pricks died?

On water boarding how many prisoners were water boarded before you make up a number the answer is less then 5 look it up. How many died from it none.

Look, we are all divided. Some people feel we should be torturing and that it is useful. Some don't. Among those who don't are those who wish to engage in more diplomacy with/in the Middle East and those who wish more forthright confrontation.

But if we were to discuss this as we are now, please let's not assume that we are discussing only water boarding.

For those who feel the US should torture [and torture openly] by withdrawing from treaties against torture, you have to remember the position this places our service men and women in. Now if that is not of the utmost importance to you, say that and I can respect your viewpoint. Cause that is all it is, a viewpoint.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."