Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: BarrettM
Then again this issue registers pretty high with me. I'm sure others are more concerned about race baiting. I personally have never got over the financial crisis as we're still seeing its ramifications today.

Very well put, Barrett. The Lefties are STILL blaming Bush for the financial crisis. But it's Obama and his cronies (like that mutt Holder) who are turning a blind eye to prosecuting these thieves, all the while dividing the country even further every time a Black thug gets himself killed during the commission of a crime.

And if anyone doesn't believe that piece of garbage Holder isn't in bed with the banks, just look at the job (and salary) that he has lined up for himself.

I will agree with the lefties (you talk about us like we're the Sandinistas sometimes!) that two wars and tax cuts did not help. But it was the deregulation of the financial industry that really set the stage for the crisis. The deregulation started in the 80s and was made worse in the 90s with the repeal of the Glass-steagall act. Regardless of what you think of regulation in general, it was a horrible idea to let banks and insurance companies regulate themselves because they merged together so many times that there was no spread of risk, and when one fell, they all fell. Which led to the crisis.

And the current unhappiness in modern America. It all started right there. You should see the secession polls these days. Even the top income brackets of the country, even the most stable parts of the country, 20% of all citizens want to secede. Another 20% on the fence. It's crazy. All this to say, my biggest problem with Holder was his failure to put anyone in jail for these crimes. And my ultimate point is that Lynch will be more of the same. Frankly after all these years I'm not sure I can name any significant accomplishments of Holder's. I think there were some issues he generally cared about, like race, like stopping violent crime. But I also think he was as much a part of the corrupt Washington beltway as anyone else.

His stance on marijuana legalization wasn't really clear either. He and Obama seem to be waiting for states and towns to pass legalization bills, while continuing to arrest those in areas where marijuana is still illegal in very high numbers.

Waterboarding is torture under the Geneva Convention, which we signed. Rectal feeding is some medieval fucking shit. Let's not pretend it was just some waterboarding. There were more than just 5 people who died, what about the black sites?

Last edited by BarrettM; 01/04/15 10:55 PM.